
Fabulously Fake News.

A parody site. But more believable than most actual news these days.

Just print more money, says Chris Grayling

Just print more money, says Chris Grayling

Following his suggestion to 'grow more food' in response to a potential Brexit-induced food crisis, Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has presented yet another foolproof solution, this time completely fixing the UK economy.

Grayling explained, "If there's not enough money - let's just print more. Problem solved, ta-dah! I mean I come up with this type of gold every day - without even hardly thinking most the time. If only Theresa would answer my calls I would have solved the country's problems by now."

Poker night is ruined say George Clooney and Matt Damon.

Poker night is ruined say George Clooney and Matt Damon.

Kevin from Basingstoke declares independence

Kevin from Basingstoke declares independence