
Fabulously Fake News.

A parody site. But more believable than most actual news these days.

"More bloody Brexit" - Theresa May's 2018 plans revealed

"More bloody Brexit" - Theresa May's 2018 plans revealed

In Part 2 of our exclusive interview with Theresa May, the PM has revealed Brexit is about the only thing she has planned next year.

Answering the question What does 2018 look like for Theresa May, she responded, "Well it's fucking Brexit isn't it. I mean will it ever go away. This is going to be my legacy you know...20 years in politics, clawing my way to the top - dealing with sexism at every corner. And all to be known as the PM who fucked everything up for everyone."

May concluded, "Ah well, I suppose we better fucking get on with it."

Woman's dry January lasts 16 hours

Woman's dry January lasts 16 hours

"Get twatted and play Articulate" - Theresa May reveals Christmas plans

"Get twatted and play Articulate" - Theresa May reveals Christmas plans