
Fabulously Fake News.

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Graduate devastated to delete "legendary" tweets

Graduate devastated to delete "legendary" tweets

Gavin Watson, a job-seeking graduate, is said to be devastated at having to delete some "legendary" tweets at the advice of his university careers service. Watson remarked, "I'm heartbroken. Some of those tweets were absolute banter".

The careers office has recommended all graduates seeking employment review their social media accounts and delete any content which could be considered offensive or inappropriate. Content removed by Watson includes:

  • A photo in Jimmy Saville fancy-dress
  • 17 tweets which "replace 1-word in a film title with cunt"
  • 7 'a bit racist'
  • 28 'a lot sexist'
  • 15 Dapper Laughs retweets


Michael Gove to support Roy Chubby Brown on tour

Michael Gove to support Roy Chubby Brown on tour

Britain's productivity crisis attributed to "piss-taking"

Britain's productivity crisis attributed to "piss-taking"