
Fabulously Fake News.

A parody site. But more believable than most actual news these days.

Man faces dilemma: lose weight or buy bigger shirts

Man faces dilemma: lose weight or buy bigger shirts

A 34 year old man is facing an agonising quandary after gaining 1.5 stone in the last 8 months: lose weight or buy bigger shirts?

The man, Ricky Clements, explained, "I have been a medium since I was 15 years old - but it seems age, a diet of fast food and absolutely no exercise has caught up with me. The sensible choice I guess would be to lose weight; but I do love me a Nandos."

Clements continued, "It's my work shirts that are the real problem - what started with a bit of gaping is now uncontrollable button popping."

Upon close reflection Clements eventually decided on trying to lose weight, saying "The diet starts on Monday...well actually it's Christmas soon isn't it...so probably the new year now. But definitely then."

Man on business trip can't stop telling Facebook about it

Man on business trip can't stop telling Facebook about it

Outrage as X Factor unearths actual talent

Outrage as X Factor unearths actual talent